10 Films to watch before you die doesn't mean that the films i mentioned in this blog are the greatest films and the films i did not mention here are not great films.I just mean that before you die you should watch these films.To be Simple:
"You have only 10 days to live and you have the chance to watch movies then you have to watch the 10 films which i mentioned."

NOTE:This is my individaul list

Barry Lyndon

Barry Lyndon is a period film by Stanley Kubrick. It shows the rise and fall of a man called Redmond Barry. The plot is simple and the film too, then why is it in the list of “10 Films to watch before you die”?

Personally Barry Lyndon is my favorite film of Stanley Kubrick .You all might be wondering how did this become my favorite as Stanley Kubrick has directed some masterpieces like “A Clockwork Orange”,”2001 A Space Odyssey” ,”The Shining” ,for this I have my own personal perception which many critics don’t agree and here is my explanation.
‘Barry Lyndon shows the true sense of term “Cinematic Beauty” .The story is very simple nothing great about it but the greatness lies in the way Stanley Kubrick directs it .The Cinematography in this film has taken cinema to a different level .This film shows the thoughts, ideas ,luck, misfortune of a man in the simplest way. ’

Stanley Kubrick once said: “Barry Lyndon is a story which does not depend upon surprise. What is important is not what is going to happen, but how it will happen.” Many of you might have seen other great films of Stanley Kubrick, I request you to watch BARRY LYNDON if you did not because this is the best film and under-rated film of Stanley Kubrick, even Martin Scorsese feels that BARRY LYNDON is the best work of Stanley Kubrick.